Easy Poster Printer allows you to print large posters even if you do not have one of those very expensive poster printers. The application is quite easy to use. All you need to do is load the image you want to print and the program will divide it into smaller chunks that fit the selected paper size. To make it even easier for you, drag-and-drop operations are also supported.
The program includes a few editing features that let you place additional images on top of the original background as well as create text using various effects, as textures, gradient, rotation, and shadows. The loaded image can also be rotated or flipped according to your needs. Regrettably, it does not have as many features as other applications of its type.
The tool supports a maximum poster size of 20x20 meters using the exact measurement of down to millimeters. Luckily, the application uses algorithms that guarantee there is no distortion of the picture when the source size is changed. In this regard, it is nice to know that there is a resampling algorithm that allows creating high-quality printings from standard source images.
There are various ways to share the results of your work. Happily, you do not need to print your posters right away and you save them to continue working later. As to printing, the tool supports such standard paper sizes as Letter, A4, and Legal. Besides, if you own an edge-to-edge printer, the program allows setting 0.0mm margins. Moreover, should you want to use your own software to print the poster, you can also export the pages as individual images. Finally, as the application is integrated with Windows Shell, you have the possibility of previewing your posters as thumbnails from within Windows Explorer.
All in all, Easy Poster Printer could not have a more descriptive name: it does exactly what its developers say without a great effort on the part of the user. Although the product has a very specific use and most people do not print posters every day, it is completely free so there is nothing to lose if you keep it in mind for those times you need it.